We stand for fashion with a clear conscience
✔ Reconsidering products: our durable products made of high-quality natural materials.
✔ Protecting the environment: our commitment to environmental protection in the use of packaging, transport and energy.
✔ Respecting people: our fair treatment of all those who make PETER HAHN something special.
✔ Taking responsibility: our social comittment.

“Sustainability is part of the foundation of the PETER HAHN corporate strategy because respecting the environment and human rights are an essential part of our ethos. Of course, this also applies to our supply chain, where we focus on adhering to, and improving, social standards. These are closely linked to achieving the high quality of our products.”
Alexandra Kohnke, Managing Director PETER HAHN
Since 2012, our PETER HAHN Sustainability Department has been coordinating all of our activities relating to environmental protection and social responsibility. This way, we are consistently intensifying our contribution towards the environment and to health and fairness, step by step.
“For me, sustainability means treating people and the environment with care. We actively contribute to leaving a habitable environment for future generations.”
Patrizia Strupp, Head of PETER HAHN Sustainability Department
Here you can find our Policy statement on respecting human rights and protecting the environment.
In addition, various guidelines apply at PETER HAHN that summarize and communicate the requirements for our own employees and our partners in the field of sustainable materials, social responsibility, responsible procurement and environmental protection. Specific aspects of human rights such as child labour and forced labour were developed in separate guidelines. In addition, in 2020, all our business partners received a guideline on the topic of “Fair Wages”, which was developed by us and is based on the amfori journey on fair living wages.
If you have any comments or questions about sustainability at PETER HAHN you can send these to us at [email protected]
Sustainable Products
You will find further information in regards to our sustainable collection in this section.
Environmental Protection
In this section, we inform you about our activities in regards to environmental protection.
Social Responsibility
Our efforts in regards to good working conditions in the supply chain are shown here.
Community Involvement
We let deeds speak for themselves – learn more here.